Overly greasy hair can be a vicious cycle. I like to compare the scalp to the skin on your face for my clients. Over washing and using harsh detergents will over strip your natural oils causing your skin/scalp to produce more oil to compensate for what it lost which results in unwanted excess grease & oil.
So then what do you do?? Wash again & the cycle continues.

If you're wondering how to stop the madness you're in the right spot. I made a list just for you of my best tricks to start training your hair to be washed less.
Go Sulfate Free
Use sulfate free shampoo that won't over strip your hair. Keune Regulate Shampoo is perfect to balance the PH of your scalp. Shampoo is made for your scalp & conditioner is formulated for your ends. If you tend to get oily fast be sure to work conditioner from the ends up distributing through hair that would be in a ponytail avoiding your scalp.
Cool Rinse
Water at higher temps is drying. Not to mention it fades your color faster too. Wash your hair with cool or luke warm water for a healthier more balanced scalp and strands.
Dry Shampoo
When you start to feel like you could use a wash bust out the dry shampoo. I LOVE Eleven Australia Give Me Clean Hair Dry Shampoo. This is the only dry shampoo that I've found to absorb excess oil without having a tacky or "dirty" feel. This helps to have a fresher look & smells amazing. If your ends tend to be dry use your natural oils to your advantage. Brush your hair with a boar bristle brush to help distribute the oils down your hair before applying dry shampoo to your roots. You'll want to fluff your hair at the root to help create more volume.
Less is More
If you tend to get oily, limit your product use. There's no need for heavy creams and oils if you don't have a problem producing your own oils. Opt for a lighter mouse or even just a light detangler through your ends. You'll be pleasantly surprised how little you really need.
Wear Your Hair Up
Messy styles with texture are in. On a day you are using a dry shampoo pull your hair up in a cute messy bun, low chignon or even a top knot. When your hair is up you are less likely to run your fingers through it. The oils from our hands increase oil through our hair so you want to avoid that as much as possible. You can also use the oils to your advantage & rock a sleek pony.
